CHANGE Coordination Meeting took place on March 17th and 18th in Berlin

Coordination Meeting with all partners. Photo © TERRE DES FEMMESCoordination Meeting with all partners.
The CHANGE project partners met at TERRE DES FEMMES’ office in Berlin on March 17th and 18th, 2014 to discuss the intermediate state of the project, the challenges encountered during project implementation and the lessons learned during the training phase.

All partners reported that their training programmes for Change Agents were completed and that the Change Agents are highly motivated and dedicated to the project. Despite other work and family commitments Change Agents participated actively in the programme and are keen on starting their activities in the communities.

Moreover, the scheduled training of key-professionals successfully took place in all four partner countries. During the meeting different means and methods have been discussed to promote a thriving dialogue between Change Agents and key-professionals throughout the project phase and thereafter. While in the Netherlands FSAN will organise regular exchange meetings to maintain the dialogue, PLAN proposed to team up key professionals and Change Agents for certain community events in Germany.

Subsequently, future activities and next steps of the CHANGE project were discussed, in particular the upcoming Behaviour Change activities. Partners talked about ideas on how to support the Change Agents with the planning and implementation of their activities and identified challenges and gaps, which need to be considered during this phase. It was of avail, that Plan could already share experiences of first activities organised in Hamburg.

Moreover, on the first day of the meeting the final text for the brochure for key professionals and the concept for Europe-wide training manual was decided. Both will be published later this year.

The first half of the second day was dedicated to the discussion of the interim evaluation report and the project progress report. The partners will take up recommendations made by the external evaluator and will further provide guidance to Change Agents during the implementation of the next project phase. The afternoon session dealt with fundraising and communication methods for the project. Last but not least, partners agreed on the dates for the next meeting (17th and 18th of July 2014) and the final FGM-EuroNet Conference (28th of January 2015), both to be held in Berlin.

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