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Save the Date: CHANGE Plus Final Conference in Berlin – November 23rd, 2017
On November 23rd 2017, the CHANGE Plus project will conclude with a final conference in Berlin. The project partners, CHANGE Agents and Champions, representatives from the two West African associate partners, representatives from the EU Commission, and many more guests will come together for a conclusion and evaluation of the project and for an outlook on further effort to ending FGM.
The event will include a press event, keynote speeches, a panel discussion on the impact of the project as well as parallel roundtable discussions that each focus on specific aspects of FGM, prevention strategies or project evaluation.
Prior to the beginning of the Conference, TERRE DES FEMMES will be holding its annual nationwide flag campaign in front of the Brandenburger Tor to raise awareness for the 25th of November, which marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
One day before the final conference, the CHANGE Agents and Champions will get together in Berlin with the project partners for a European Exchange Meeting on November 22nd. The CHANGE Plus multipliers will share experiences and impressions they gained from working as CHANGE Agents within communities in different EU countries. On the following day, the impact of the project will be discussed with a wider audience.
The final conference on November 23rd will mark the end of the CHANGE Plus project, yet the effort to induce change in attitude and behaviour towards the practice and the joined commitment to ending FGM will continue.