

Guidelines and toolkits of REPLACE and CHANGE projects

Implementing CHANGE - A Training Manual for Facilitators

Author: Change Plus Team
Date: 2016
Language: English

First developed within CHANGE pilot Project, the manual has been revised and updated. Its overall aim is to enable facilitators to conduct trainings for multipliers promoting behavior change in communities across the European Union. It is designed as a good practice guide in an application-oriented way and so presents several information on legal, medical, social, religious or cultural issues related to FGM through case studies, exercises, references and further resources.


Responding to female genital mutilation: A guide for key professionals

Author: Change Plus Team
Date: 2016
Language: English, French, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, German

This prevention brochure is designed as a practical tool for frontline professionals in contact with people from FGM practicing communities. It provides specific legal and contextual information as well as a selection of appropriate behavior toward girls and women at risk or having already undergone FGM. It shows as well the responsibilities of key-professionals and highlights strategies to protect girls at risk and help abandoning FGM.


Community Mapping with FGM Affected African Communities in the EU - Practical Handbook

Author: Professor Hazel Barrett & Dr Yussif Alhassan, Coventry University UK
Date: 2016
Language: English

The Community Mapping was developed within the European commission funded program REPLACE2 project that gathered together 7 partner organizations across European countries. The REPLACE project is an approach for tackling FGM. The latter is based on empowering and motivating FGM affected communities through participatory action. The community mapping’s purpose is to understand the belief systems and mechanisms that perpetuate FGM.


The REPLACE Community Readiness to End FGM Assessment - Practical Handbook

Author: Professor Hazel Barrett & Dr Yussif Alhassan, Coventry University UK
Date: 2016
Language: English

„The REPLACE Community Readiness to End FGM Assessment“ analyses how ready a community is to challenge the social norm perpetuating FGM within an FGM affected community living in the EU. It provides examples of behaviour change activities that could be implemented to move community towards ending FGM.


Implementing CHANGE - A Training Manual for Facilitators

Author: Change Team
Date: 2014
Language: English

This training manual draws on materials developed within the CHANGE project. It includes experiences, lessons learned and best practices from trainings for CHANGE Agents and the first findings from their community interventions. It aims to enable facilitators to conduct trainings for multipliers promoting behavior change towards the abandonment of FGM in communities across the European Union.


Responding to female genital mutilation: A guide for key professionals

Date: 2014
Language: English, German, Dutch, Swedish

This brochure is designed as a guide for professionals in social service, educational, and medical sector. It provides information about FGM, the legal situation in the respective country as well as responsibilities and responding strategies for key-professionals. The content of the brochure has been developed in a joint effort of all partner organizations of the Change project.


REPLACE, Researching Female Genital Mutilation Intervention Programmes Linked to African Communities in the EU,
Pilot Toolkit for Replacing
Approaches to Ending FGM in the EU: Implementing Behavior Change with Practicing Communities.

Author: Coventry University, FORWARD UK, FSAN and West Midlands European Centre
Date: 2011
Language: English

REPLACE is a trans-European program that aims to replace current approaches and methods used to end FGM and promotes a participatory action research approach. This toolkit is a practical guide on how to use health behaviour change with targeted communities to end FGM, especially with Somali and Sudanese communities in the Netherlands and the UK.

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Guides and toolkits for professionals

Manual on Social Norms and Tools

Date: 2016
Language: English

This manual is designed by the UNICEF and the UNFPA under a Joint Program on female genital mutilation aiming to end FGM by developing an innovative approach using a social norm perspective. The guide is a mixed of practical examples and theoretical concepts for understanding social movements. It aims to guide a selection of an appropriate mix of strategies, activities and workshops. The approach includes a wide range of partners involved in the fight against FGM in order to create a social movement and mobilize people.


Multi-agency guidelines on FGM for those with statutory duties to safeguard children and vulnerable adults

Author: Department of Health and Department for Education – UK Government
Date: 2016
Language: English

This guideline on FGM is meant for front-line professionals in England and Wales “who are under statutory duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults”. It provides relevant information to understand legal background and advices to support survivors and to prevent FGM.


Female Genital Mutilation: Risk and Safeguarding, guidance for professionals

Author: Social Care, Local Government and Social Care Partnerships/Children, Families and Communities/Maternity and starting well
Date: 2016
Language: English

FGM prevention program team of the UK Department of Health has prepared this guideline. It is intended for professionals linked with FGM in their professional field.


FGM in EU Asylum directives on Qualification, Procedures and Reception Procedures

Author: Population Reference Bureau (PRF)
Date: 2016
Language: English

A guide on FGM in the EU Asylum Directives. The guide highlights the relevant provisions in the Asylum Procedures, Reception Conditions and Qualification Directives. It aims to explain the application of the three asylum directives in an accessible manner to civil society representatives working with those affected by FGM.


WHO Guidelines on the Management of Health complications from Female Genital Mutilation

Author: WHO (World Health Organization)
Date: 2016
Languages: English, French and Arabic summary

This guideline provides key recommendations for Health professionals. It is grouped into four main areas: deinfibulation, mental health, female sexual health, information and education. It also warms against the “medicalization” of FGM – when health-providers themselves perform female genital mutilation.

English: Download (pdf-file)
Summary in French: Download (pdf-file)
Summary in Arabic: Download (pdf-file)


Female Genital Mutilation and its Management

Author: Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Date: 2009
Language: English

The overall aim of this guideline is to inform about appropriate management of women having undergone FGM and those who are considered at risk. It presents clinical care of women and responsibilities of health medical professionals with a focus on the UK situation.


The Council of Europe, Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence

Author: The Council of Europe
Date: 2014
Language: English

This guide produced by Amnesty International and the Council of Europe is meant to policy makers and human rights and women activists. It sheds lights on the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence known as the Istanbul Convention, adopted in 2011 as a tool to end FGM in the EU. The publication highlights the Convention and offers large scales of measures that are relevant to end FGM.


How to facilitate Generation Dialogues about Female Genital Cutting. A manual for facilitators of men’s Dialogues

Author: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Date: 2013
Language: English

This manual is designed for facilitators who want to start a Generation Dialogue project in their own communities. It explained how to be trained and became a Generation Dialogue facilitator. Furthermore, it brings to light the different steps of a generation dialogue and the responsibility and tasks of the facilitator.


Guidelines for Parliamentarians. Abandoning Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

Author: AWEPA - Association of European Parliamentarians with Africa
Date: 2012
Language: English
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide a practical instrument for parliamentarians to put the issue of FGM high on the agenda and to accelerate the abandonment of FGM in their respective countries. These guidelines have been instrumental for AWEPA in the organization of capacity building seminars and workshops since 2011.


Female Genital Mutilation and Good Governance: A Political Framework for Social Change

Author: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Date: 2011
Language: English

A short and practical guideline about approaches used to promote good governance to end FGM.


Mutilations Génitales Féminines : guide à l’usage des professions concernées

Author: PF Santé publique, Sécurité de la Chaîne alimentaire, Environnement and GAMS Belgique
Date: 2011
Language: French, Dutch

This guide is a tool of information and concrete cases raising awareness among professionals in contact with communities likely to practice FGM.
It is divided into two parts. The first one is a basis of common information for all the professionals, the second one is a source of specific tools and situations. The guide should allow the professionals to better know the sociocultural context of FGM, better accompany concerned families and support survivors.

French: Download (pdf-file)
Dutch:  Download (pdf-file)


Female Genital Mutilation: Caring for Patients and safeguarding children

Author: British Medical Association
Date: 2011
Language: English

This practical guidance aims to support frontline professionals from health and social care. It would help them to prevent further incidents of female genital mutilation and to ensure support to the victims. It has been written following 2011 government multi-agency guidelines on FGM for England and Wales


Promotion de l’Abandon de la Pratique de l’Excision. Un Manuel de méthodes et outils

Author: German Association for International Cooperation - GIZ
Date: 2010
Language: French

This manual was developed within the project „Capitalization and popularization of good approaches for the promotion of the end of FGM/C“. It aims at capitalizing experiences, tools and practical methods.


London Female Genital Mutilation Resource Pack

Author: London Safeguarding Children Board
Date: 2009
Language: English

This resource pack provides information and guidance for people who may encounter women or girls at risk or having undergone female genital mutilation.


Training kit : prevention and Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation among Immigrants in Europe

Author: African Women Organization
Date: 2005
Language: German, English

The kit is divided into 3 modules and 7 sessions covering all aspects of FGM. It is meant to create awareness about FGM among community leaders and facilitators from immigrant communities living in Europe and coming from FGM practicing countries. Its overall goal is to bring changes of values, perceptions, attitudes and behavior about harmful traditional practices, in particular FGM, through training.

English:   Download (pdf-file)
German:  Download (pdf-file)


Recommendations on the management of patients with a history of female genital mutilation

Author: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
Date: 2005
Language: English

In this document, the German Medical Association design recommendations for medical practitioners and psychosocial counseling centres in Germany. The purpose of these recommendations is to help the latter to provide appropriate social, psychological and medical assistance to women having undergone FGM.


Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit Patientinnen nach weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung

Author: Bundesärztekammer
Date: 2005
Language: German

This document is a set of recommendations for professionals having contacts with patient having undergone FGM. It takes into account their cultural background and looks for adapted and individual solutions.


Management of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the postpartum Period in the Presence of Female Genital Mutilation

Author: WHO (World Health Organization)
Date: 2001
Language: English


This document points out the health complications of female genital mutilation (FGM) associated with pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period and defines the essential package of care required to manage and/or prevent these complications in settings where resources are limited. It discusses service barriers and other problems in providing this essential package of care and makes recommendations on how they may be overcome.

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International, European and Local strategies

Intervention und Unterstützung bei Weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung: Möglichkeiten interdisziplinärer Fallzusammenarbeit

Author: Hamburger Runder Tisch gegen Genitalverstümmelung
Date: 2015
Language: German, French

The Round Table of Hamburg Against Female Genital Mutilation meets regularly since 2012 in order to discuss inter-disciplinary strategies to better tackle FGM. The purpose of this report is to gather all types of actions in case of suspicion of FGM and all types of support to be brought to survivors.

German: Download (pdf-file)
French:  Download (pdf-file)


UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Accelerating Change

Date: 2014, updated in 2016
Language: English, French

The Joint Programme launched by the UNICEF and the UNFPA aims to accelerate the abandonment of FGM in African countries that registered a high prevalence of the practice. The program is divided into two phases, one from 2008-2013 and another one still in process. The program is both culturally sensitive and human right based.

Summary report of Phase I:
English: Download (pdf-file)
French: Download (pdf-file)

Funding proposals of Phase II:
English: Download (pdf-file)


Ending Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Lessons From a Decade of Progress

Author: Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
Date: 2014
Language: English

The PRB report gathers lessons learned from the last decade and gives a roadmap to strengthen future programs to end the practice.


Programa de Accao Mutilacao para la Eliminação da Mutilação Genital Feminina

Author: Grupo de Trabalho Intersectorial sobre a Mutilação Genital Feminina/C
Date: 2011 - 2013
Language: Portuguese

The document presents actions of an intersectional program for the elimination of FGM led in Portugal between 2011 and 2013.


Ending Female Genital Mutilation - A Strategy for the European Union Institutions

Author: END FGM – European Campaign
Date: 2010
Language: English, German, French

The document shows the importance of collective action to tackle FGM. It highlights five key areas where the EU institutions and EU Member States can act in order to promote rights of girls at risk or affected by FGM.

English:  Download (pdf-file)
German: Download (pdf-file)
French:  Download (pdf-file)


Global strategy to stop Health Care providers from performing female genital mutilation

Date: 2010
Languages: English, French, Arabic

This document is an interagency strategy against medicalization of female genital mutilation (FGM) targeting a broad audience of policy-makers in governments, parliamentarians, international agencies, professional associations, community leaders, religious leaders, NGOs and other institutions.

English: Download (pdf-file)
French: Download (pdf-file)
Arabic:  Download (pdf-file)


Eliminating female genital mutilation. An interagency statement

Date: 2008
Languages: English, French, Arabic, Portuguese

This interagency statement is a call to all States, international and national organizations, civil society and communities to uphold the rights of girls and women. It also calls on bodies and communities to develop, strengthen, and support specific and concrete actions directed towards ending female genital mutilation.

English:      Download (pdf-file)
French:      Download (pdf-file)
Portugese: Download (pdf-file)
Arabic:       Download (pdf-file)

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