You are here: Home About us News & Press Releases SABOU Women’s meeting in the Guinean community in Berlin: TDF CHANGE agent Tiranke Diallo raises awareness for FGM
Within the CHANGE Plus project, which is co-funded by the EU, our CHANGE agent Tiranke Diallo conducted her first community activity with Guinean women in June in Berlin.
The women meet regularly once a month to exchange their opinions about different topics. They especially talk about news from their home country, but also about life in germany, activities, families and more in an intimate atmosphere. After Tiranke made contact to get to know the women better, she was able to carry out her first activity.
In Guinea more than 80% of girls and women are affected, wherefore we urgently need to raise awareness and sensitize to protect the offspring and support affected girls and women.
In the combat to end female genital mutilation (FGM) TERRE DES FEMMES is engaged directly in the work with communities and pursues a rethinking. Therfore all our CHANGE agents, who were trained last year, contribute to raising awareness and sensitization actively.
Tiranke Diallos second community activity with the support of Fatou Diatta (Sister Fa) took place on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, the celebration at the end of Ramadan. TERRE DES FEMMES sincerely thanks for this support!
Stand: 06/2017